The American Golden Foods is a company that constantly invests in the quality of its products and values, above all, customer satisfaction. We take care of all stages of the process – production, import, storage, marketing, and distribution, as well as the client relationship. We value partnerships and are always thinking of growth strategies to develop lasting business relationships.
Starting its business operations in Atlanta, Georgia, in the year of 2016, The American Golden Food is a subsidiary company of the Brazilian food-importing firm Golden Foods, which operates in the market since 2009. It is a subsidiary company with the headquarters framework, adapting to the market needs and demands. The north American framework will follow the Brazilian framework in many ways. In the purchasing department, for instance, it will work the same way for both companies, reaching a better purchasing and negotiation power.
The company always seeks the lowest fixed cost and the possibility to work with variable cost. In the trading area, we will be working with retailers trained and instructed by our staff.
Over 100 products are marketed by the Brazilian headquarters, which are divided in the following categories: pre-fried frozen potatoes; meat (beef and lamb);fish; frozen vegetables, potato flakes and onion rings, in the States we will also focus on the sea food and appetizers sales.
We are based in Miami and have several distribution centers in strategic regions of the United States. This enables us to effectively meet throughout the country, and seamlessly facilitate international trade, import, and distribution with our “parent company” located in Brazil. Our greatest joy is seeing our customers and partners always satisfied, elevating The American Golden Foods brand as the first choice in taste, quality, and fair price.




The founder of The American Golden Foods is Paulo Corrêa, Brazilian executive with a great deal of experience in the Market. As a CEO, there is the young entrepreneur, also Brazilian, Eduardo Erwin.

A word from Paulo Corrêa
A word from Paulo Corrêa “The creation of a new business in the States, country where my children and grandchildren live, was a great opportunity to build something for my family’s future. Besides that, starting a new business at the age of 65, being partner of a family that I admire and trust, it is an unique opportunity to challenge my capacity of creation in the financial, auditing and managing segments, as well as deepen my knowledge in the food business.”

A word from the CEO Eduardo Erwin
2016 is the year of the beginning of the operation and it will be the one of a lot of learning. We have a well structured business plan which we intend to exceed. The COO and director Thiago Monteiro points out: “we don’t achieve goals, we brake records.”And that is the spirit we want to embrace in The American Golden Foods too. Our customers are more than just customers, they are our partners in the business. We always seek the best for those who work with us, retailers, suppliers, catering firms or clients. We have remarkable saying in our company: “it is only good, when it is good for everyone.” Soon, our next steps will demand a lot of work, but we believe that we are on the right track and certain that everything will work just fine, for everyone.”